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A user-friendly management of the sale of your entries on the spot in a few clicks,
A platform allowing you to manage your guided visits and those of the groups.
A clear solution to do online sales and reservations
Buy your tickets online, go to the appointment when you wish to visit the exposition of the museum.
Present your ticket at the portals of the reception that automaticly opens the doors to the exposition.
Your steward will always be available to help you rather than be busy to manage the sale of the tickets.
Once your visit is over, you will recieve a satisfaction survey to help your host to improve the reception.
You had no time to buy your online tickets, 3 solutions:
You buy your ticket at the automatic terminal which will allow you to present the tickets to the gates of the reception.
You buy your tickets at the reception desk and pay by credit card or by depositing the money in an automatic cash machine, quickly and easily.
You buy your ticket online from your smartphone
After buying your online tickets, go to the appointment when you wish to visit the exposition of the museum.
Present your ticket at the portals of the reception that automaticly opens the doors to the exposition.
Your steward will always be available to help you rather than be busy to manage the sale of the tickets.
Once your visit is over, you will recieve a satisfaction survey to help your host to improve the reception.
You always have :
Clear and accurate statistics
Daily sales control reports
Accounting statements.